Hello Crafters! How are you? Shall I tell you a secret? I didn’t used to like stencils!! Ye, I know, weird right?! It wasn’t actually until a couple of years ago when I had to use one in a bunch of different ways for a magazine article that I started to realise their potential. I had a look at some videos on techniques, and then played about to discover my own twists and techniques, and now I LOVE them!! They are genuinely just so versatile!! And so, in case any of you are still stencil doubters, or you’re looking for some extra ideas for the stencils you have in your stash, i thought I’d take just one stencil and create 5 different cards with it. You can use all of these techniques with pretty much any stencil you have in your collection, so I’m hoping it will inspire you to get them out and get making!!

The stencil I chose to use is a leafy one that comes as part of the stencil set in the Build a Garden: Morning Asters kit from Altenew. I love that by changing the products used to stencil with, and by using different techniques, you can get such a variety of different effects. And I bet that if you used the same techniques with one of the stencils you have in your stash, you’ll get a whole new set of looks, just from trying different stencils and colours!
Check out the video below if you want to see how I created today’s cards, or scroll further if you want to see the supply list.
Video Tutorial -- Stretch Your Stash: 1 Stencil 5 Gorgeous Cards
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